
2023-08-22 09:44:20 阅读量:11496


现为:中国东方文化研究会艺术研究员、中国传统文化促进会会员、央媒文化组委会艺术顾问、中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会副秘书长、中国楹联学会会员、中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会副秘书长、中企报盟信息科学研究院副院长、中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会理事、《民族艺术》杂志艺术总监、通过中国国家级联合型法人社团权威认证ISQ9000A艺术体系资质认证,荣获国画师资质,中国书画家协会会员,甘肃文学艺术界联合会美术家协会会员、中国画艺委会委员。多年从事教育和参与环县道情皮影戏普查、保护与研究工作,参与编辑出版了《环县道情皮影志》《环县道情皮影》图文书等著作。200多幅书画作品在《中华英才》《祖国》《文化月刊》杂志、《美中时报》《时代周刊》《真理报》《环球网》《中国网》《中外文化交流》《世界知识画报》《全球商业经典》《中国艺术名家海外媒体展播》工程等国际国内媒体及核心期刊发表展播;其作品被阿尔巴尼亚、马里、几内亚、摩洛哥、荷兰、喀麦隆等多国驻华大使馆收藏。入选并参与五国大使馆赠送国际明信片活动,同时由英国、法国、俄罗斯、墨西哥 、马尔代夫五家大使馆颁发证书,获得国内外一致好评。2020 年 8 月策划组织举办了宋仁伟、张文平油画精品展暨环县美术家协会首届油画创作公益培训班;同年10 月策划组织举办了“高原艳色”全国中青年花鸟画名家精品展走进老区环县活动 ,展出期间环县教育局组织县城 9 所中小学师生近万人参观了展览 , 为推动全民美育发挥了巨大的社会效益 , 受到了当地老区人民的喜爱 ;2021 年 6 月,作品《桂子飘香》受书画网推荐庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年北京地铁 CCTV《文化中国》主题百名首批国画历史传承人特别巡展 ; 同年 7月成功组织举办了环县美术家协会第二届油画创作公益培训班曁学员创作作品展览 ;同年10 月“百年复兴文化典范”—中国艺术名家道金平港澳邮票全球首发;同年 12 月中国文学艺术界联合会主管《神州》杂志社庆祝中国共产党成立一百年艺术特刊《一代巨匠—道金平艺术作品辑》随刊发行;2022年7月个人作品集《艺无止境》中国书画名家精品集道金平专集由河北美术出版社出版发行;同年8月,策划组织举办“中国羊谷善美环州”全国油画名家作品邀请展曁环县美术家协会第三届培训班学员油画创作展;2023年6月又策划策划组织举办“中国羊谷善美环州”全国油画作品展,引导艺术家以本土文化精神风貌切入当下艺术潮流的理念,打造“中国羊谷  善美环州”文化品牌,是精神象征,也是文化符号,更是新时代文明实践活动。通过这样的展览,推动文旅融合,普及全民美育,以艺术形式展现美好生活,用精品力作讴歌伟大时代。同年6月,其本人作品《五色交辉》参加阿联酋文化艺术交流展,意蕴不凡,有独特的艺术见解,为推动中外文化艺术交流做出了贡献,受到极高的赞誉和关注。

Dojinping was born in September 1966. Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Northwest Normal University, majoring in Chinese painting, he studied at Guo Yixiao Flower and Bird Art Studio and China Tropical Rainforest Art Academy in the graduate class of the China Academy of Arts, and was good at calligraphy, flowers and birds. Member of the 2nd, 3rd and 5th Committee of Qingyang City, Gansu Province of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Currently, he is an art researcher of the China Oriental Culture Research Association, a member of the Chinese Traditional Culture Promotion Association, an art consultant of the Central Media Culture Organizing Committee, the deputy secretary-general of the Calligraphy and Painters Working Committee of the New Literary and Art Group of the China Calligraphy and Painters Association, a member of the China Yinglian Society, the deputy secretary-general of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the China Yinglian Society, the vice president of the Information Science Research Institute of the China Enterprise Newspaper Alliance, a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Professional Committee of the China Ethnic Architecture Research Association, and the art director of "National Art" magazine. It has passed the ISQ9000A art system qualification certification of China's national joint legal person association, won the qualification of Chinese painter, member of China Calligraphy and Painters Association, member of Gansu Federation of Literary and Art Circles Artists Association, and member of China Painting Art Committee. For many years, he has been engaged in education and participated in the survey, protection and research of Huanxian Road Love Shadow Play, and participated in the editing and publication of "Huanxian Road Love Shadow Record" and "Huanxian Road Love Shadow Puppet" graphic books. More than 200 paintings and calligraphy works have been published and broadcast in international and domestic media and core journals such as "Chinese Talents", "Motherland", "Culture Monthly" magazine, "America-China Times", "Time", "Pravda", "Global Net", "China Net", "Sino-foreign Cultural Exchange", "World Knowledge Pictorial", "Global Business Classics", "Chinese Art Masters Overseas Media Exhibition" project, etc. His works have been collected by the embassies of Albania, Mali, Guinea, Morocco, the Netherlands, Cameroon and other countries in China. Selected and participated in the international postcard donation activity of the embassies of five countries, and the certificates were issued by the five embassies of the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Mexico and Maldives, which won unanimous praise at home and abroad.In August 2020, he planned and organized the oil painting exhibition of Song Renwei and Zhang Wenping and the first public welfare training course of oil painting creation of Huanxian Artists Association; In October of the same year, he planned and organized the "Bright Colors of the Plateau" National Exhibition of Famous Flower and Bird Paintings for Young and Middle-aged Flowers and Birds into the Old District Huanxian Activity, during which the Huanxian Education Bureau organized nearly 10,000 teachers and students from 9 primary and secondary schools in the county to visit the exhibition, which played a huge social benefit in promoting the aesthetic education of the whole people and was loved by the local people in the old district; In June 2021, the work "Guizi Floating Fragrance" was recommended by Calligraphy and Painting Network to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the Beijing Metro CCTV "Cultural China" theme of the first 100 historical inheritors of Chinese painting special tour; In July of the same year, the second oil painting creation public welfare training course of Huanxian Artists Association was successfully organized and held, and the exhibition of students' creative works was held; In October of the same year, the "Centennial Cultural Revival Model" - the world premiere of Chinese art masters Dao Jinping Hong Kong and Macao stamps; In December of the same year, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles was in charge of "Shenzhou" magazine, which celebrated the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and issued a special issue of art "A Generation of Masters - Dao Jinping Art Collection"; In July 2022, his personal collection "Art is Endless", a collection of Chinese calligraphy and painting masters, Dao Jinping, was published and distributed by Hebei Art Publishing House; In August of the same year, he planned and organized the "China Yanggu Shanmei Huanzhou" National Oil Painting Master's Works Invitation Exhibition and the Oil Painting Creation Exhibition of the Third Training Course of the Yanhuan County Artists Association; In June 2023, he planned and organized the national oil painting exhibition of "China Yanggu Shanmei Huanzhou", guiding artists to cut into the current art trend with the concept of local cultural spiritual style, and creating a cultural brand of "China Yanggu Shanmei Huanzhou", which is a spiritual symbol, a cultural symbol, and a civilized practice activity in the new era. Through such exhibitions, we will promote the integration of culture and tourism, popularize aesthetic education for the whole people, show a better life in the form of art, and use fine products to praise the great era. In June of the same year, his work "Five Colors" participated in the UAE Culture and Art Exchange Exhibition, which has extraordinary meaning and unique artistic insights, and has contributed to promoting cultural and artistic exchanges between China and foreign countries, and has received high praise and attention.


‖Appreciation of Dao Jinping's artworks‖


Dao Jinping Artwork 1


Dao Jinping Artwork 2


Dao Jinping Artwork 3


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Dao Jinping Artwork 9


Dao Jinping Artwork 10

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