
2023-11-07 13:29:43 阅读量:10563


What isLa Biennale di Venezia?

全球第一个双年展“双年展之母西方艺术的风向标首届威尼斯双年展举行于 1895 年,自 1907年起,随着威尼斯双年展从全国艺术双年展扩大为国际艺术双年展,至今已成了历史最悠久的当代艺术和值得关注的建筑设计大展 (奇数年为艺术双年展,在偶数年为建筑双年)。


Introduction to celebrities

崔培鲁,字也鲁,号鲁芳斋主,1944年出生于山东枣庄市。早年就读于临沂艺校师从著名画家王小古和皮之先,后入中 央美院国画系研修班深造。1992年调深圳特区创建南山画院,并出任南山区文化馆馆长。1994年刘海粟大师为其葡萄图题写了“气韵生动”的赞语并收为关门弟子。

崔培鲁先生潜心于中国画创作五十余年是当今较有影响力的中国画坛领军人物。其代表作葡萄和牡丹等曾被收藏于首都北京人民大会堂、美国维吉尼亚州国家博物馆及我国驻外大使馆领事馆等众多中外机构。作品入编人民美术出版社与中 央美院联合出版发行的《中国高等美术院校教学范本·崔培鲁作品》。2022年10月被中国非物质文化遗产委员会授予“崔培鲁非遗名家工作室”匾额。2023年8月参加丝路艺术大展,荣获“杰出贡献奖”。现为北京大学艺术学院客座教授、香港高等美术学院特聘教授、北京胡润国际艺术品鉴定中心首席专家、中国美术家协会会员、中华名人协会会员、中国和平统一促进会书画联谊委员会委员、中国书画家联谊会理事、中国东方文化研究会高级艺术顾问、全球华人华商联合总会顾问兼书画院名誉院长。

Cui Peilu, also known as Yalu and also known as Lu Fangzhaizhu, was born in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province in 1944. In his early years, he studied under the guidance of famous painters Wang Xiaogu and Pi Zhixian at Linyi Art School, and later pursued further studies in the Chinese Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 1992, he transferred to Shenzhen Special Zone to establish Nanshan Painting Academy and became the director of Nanshan District Cultural Museum. In 1994, Master Liu Haisu wrote a tribute to his grape painting with "vivid charm" and was accepted as a disciple of the closed door.

Mr. Cui Peilu has been dedicated to the creation of Chinese painting for over fifty years and is a leading figure in the current influential Chinese painting industry. Its representative works, such as grapes and peonies, have been collected in numerous Chinese and foreign institutions such as the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, the National Museum of Virginia in the United States, and the consulates of Chinese embassies abroad. The work is included in the "Teaching Model of Chinese Higher Art Institutions - Cui Peilu's Works" jointly published and distributed by the People's Fine Arts Publishing House and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In October 2022, he was awarded the plaque of "Cui Peilu Intangible Cultural Heritage Master Studio" by the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee. In August 2023, participated in the Silk Road Art Exhibition and won the "Outstanding Contribution Award". He is currently a visiting professor at the School of Art at Peking University, a distinguished professor at the Hong Kong Higher School of Fine Arts, a chief expert at the Beijing Hurun International Art Appraisal Center, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Chinese Celebrities Association, a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Friendship Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification, a member of the China Calligraphy and Painting Friendship Association, a member of the China Calligraphy and Painting Association, a senior art advisor to the China Oriental Culture Research Association, and a consultant to the Global Chinese Business Federation and honorary dean of the Calligraphy and Painting Academy.


Appreciation of Cui Peilu's Art Works


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art


Cui Peilu Art

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