
2023-10-24 11:49:41 阅读量:10350


What isLa Biennale di Venezia?

全球第一个双年展“双年展之母西方艺术的风向标,首届威尼斯双年展举行于 1895 年,自 1907年起,随着威尼斯双年展从全国艺术双年展扩大为国际艺术双年展,至今已成了历史最悠久的当代艺术和值得关注的建筑设计大展 (奇数年为艺术双年展,在偶数年为建筑双年)。


Introduction to celebrities

陈安祥,山东临沂人,一九五零年生,国家特级书法师法兰西皇家美术学院荣誉博士,现任阿里巴巴国际书画研究院名誉院长、中国书画艺术促进会理事、北京心海文化艺术研究院院士、文化部新时代文化艺术人才中心艺术顾问。书法专攻欧、颜及二王诸帖,尤擅长楷书。作品入编《中国诗书画国际交流大典》《中国当代实用书法大观》《世界当代艺术名家大典》及多部权威大典。作品多次获奖,如纪念抗战胜利七十周年书画展金奖、神舟十一载人航天飞行成功书法精品展金奖、纪念改革开放四十周年全国书画大赛金奖、首届兰亭羲之奖艺术邀请展金奖、新长城文化金奖、国庆七十周年书法艺术展金奖等。并在国外多次巡回展出。二零一八年被评为“国宾礼特供书法艺术家”,作品被紫光阁国礼中心收藏。当年再次入选法国卢浮宫中国书画名家精品展,荣获特别成就奖及最高荣誉勋章,作品被法国卢浮宫博物馆永久收藏。二零一九年十一月被授子“共和国七十年本出十大艺术功勋人物”荣誉称号。二零二零年八月《陈安祥书法艺术之路》课题已纳入中国管理科学研究院区域改革发展研究所经济研究中心最新科研成果,并荣获科研项目二等奖。二零二零年十一月聘任为中华卫视艺术风采栏目艺术总监,二零二零年十二月聘任为中国世纪大采风书画院常务副院长二零二一年三月被授子“二零二零年度国际中国艺坛领航人物”荣誉称号。二零二一年七月被授予“当代艺坛优秀典范“笔尖下的中国人物”荣誉称号。 二零二一年十月被授子时代楷模”荣誉称号

Chen Anxiang, born in Linyi, Shandong in 1950, holds an honorary doctorate from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France, a national special level calligrapher. Currently, he is the honorary president of Alibaba International Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, a member of the China Calligraphy and Painting Art Promotion Association, an academician of Beijing Xinhai Culture and Art Research Institute, and an art consultant of the New Era Culture and Art Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture. Calligraphy specializes in the works of Ou, Yan, and Er Wang, with a particular focus on regular script. His works have been included in the "International Exchange Ceremony of Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting", "A Grand View of Contemporary Practical Calligraphy in China", "A Grand Ceremony of World Contemporary Art Masters", and several authoritative grand ceremonies. His works have won multiple awards, such as the Gold Award at the Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Anti Japanese War, the Gold Award at the Shenzhou 11 Manned Space Flight Successful Calligraphy Exhibition, the Gold Award at the National Calligraphy and Painting Competition to Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Reform and Opening up, the Gold Award at the First Lanting Xizhi Award Art Invitation Exhibition, the Gold Award at the New Great Wall Culture Exhibition, and the Gold Award at the 70th Anniversary of the National. And it has been exhibited on multiple tours abroad. In 2018, he was awarded the title of "Special Calligraphy Artist for State Guests' Rites" and his works were collected by the Ziguangge National Rites Center. That year, he was once again selected for the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces Exhibition at the Louvre in France, and was awarded the Special Achievement Award and the highest medal of honor. His works were permanently collected by the Louvre Museum in France. In November 2019, he was awarded the honorary title of "Ten Artistic Meritorious Figures in the Seventy Years of the Republic". In August 2020, the project "The Road of Chen Anxiang's Calligraphy Art" was included in the latest scientific research achievements of the Economic Research Center of the Regional Reform and Development Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, and won the second prize of the scientific research project. In November 2020, he was appointed as the Art Director of the Art Style Program of China Satellite TV. In December 2020, he was appointed as the utive Vice President of China Century Grand Caifeng Calligraphy and Painting Academy. In March 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of "2020 International Chinese Art Pioneer". In July 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Model in Contemporary Art" and "Chinese Character at the Pen Tip". Awarded the honorary title of "Model of the Child Era" in October 2021.


Appreciation of Chen Anxiang's Art Works


Chen Anxiang Art


Chen Anxiang Art


Chen Anxiang Art


Chen Anxiang Art


Chen Anxiang Art


Chen Anxiang Art


Chen Anxiang Art


Chen Anxiang Art


Chen Anxiang Art


Chen Anxiang Art

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